Tuesday, 17 December 2013


We thought a lot about what to call out film, we needed and wanted  name which would instantly make the audience know what genre it was. Eventually we decided to call it 'Horreum' which is Latin for barn, as originally we were going to film the killer Ainsley, taking the victims back to an old isolated barn. The Barn was part of the farm in which Ainsley grew up on with his family, and where in fact his own father killed young girls too. Ironically and conveniently Horreum sounds like horror, so it makes it easier for audiences to establish that it is horror.

Other Horror's have symbolic title appearances. The Ring has childlike writing because the film is a physiological film with a child killer, the writing is also surrounded by a ring, similar to a moon.

Our Title is shown written in newspaper cuttings, which implies a mystery about the film, as the idea of a letter written from newspaper letters cut outs is recognized as hidden identity, threats and the unknown.

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